
Information on standardization regarding nanomaterials

Visit the "Good to know" page of the nanoSTAIR project:

  • List of TCs addressing nano  
  • Browsers of standards
  • Mandate M/461 - Mandate addressed to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI for standardization activities regarding nanotechnologies and nanomaterials
  • Examples of standards published recently
  • Definitions of “Nanomaterials” according to the European Commission, the Joint Research Center, and the ISO/IEC 80004-1 Nanotechnologies - Volabulary - Part 1 - Core terms - 2010
  • CEN-CENELEC Guideline "Integrating standards in your FP7 project"



You will find here a list of ISO Standards connected with nanotechnologies.


nanoSTAIR's support to bring your results into standards

The FP7 cooperative action nanoSTAIR has built a sustainable process and platform in the field of nanotechnologies to support the transfer of knowledge from research to standards.

The nanoSTAIR project has set-up a mechanism to identify the opportunities for standardization in the results of research projects, based on the semantic analysis of research papers and on expert review. For selected results, nanoSTAIR pools together resources and consortia sharing similar standardization opportunities and provides assistance for selecting the right standardization umbrella (CEN or ISO Technical Committee and Working Group) and for launching new standardization work items.

The nanoSTAIR team is now proposing its support to funding agencies, existing networks and research initiatives for further exploitation of research results through standardization: Visit the "Get support" page of the nanoSTAIR project: