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- Overview of Interest & impacts of NanoMILE results for industry and service providers (presentation)
- Highlights of NanoMILE's key outputs/publications with a focus on the interest for industry & services in the field of nanomaterials (4 page document)
- Free online design and virtual screening of nanoparticles, by Novamechanics Ltd:
Novamechanics Ltd has launched Enalos InSilicoNano Platform, a new decision support tool for the design and virtual screening of nanoparticles, freely available online. Enalos InSilicoNano Platform aims to address the need to reduce the amount of time spent by scientists in referencing disparate sources of data to aid decision making related to NPs design and bioactivity profile and it offers an efficient and cost‐effective response to the EU legislation and the desire to reduce animal testing. The available workflows are built based on diverse and reliable data sources and integrate advanced in silico tools to provide accurate predictions.
The first version of the support tool was developed under NanoMILE with data collected from the litterature. An updated version will be developed with the data produced by NanoMILE according to a systematic scheme.

- Automated Exposure Station at the air/liquid interface, by VITROCELL Systems GmbH:
The VITROCELL® Automated Exposure Station is designed for the direct exposure of biological test systems to airborne substances such as gases, complex mixtures, nano particles and fibres. It offers a capacity of up to 18 cell culture compartments for exposure and 3 compartments for clean air control.
The system simulates the human exposure situation. All key functions for a successful exposure such as aerosol flow rates, humidity, temperature and leak test are edited via touch screen prior to the experiment. The respective data is shown on live graphs and stored for further analysis. The cells are exposed at the air / liquid interface on 6, 12 or 24 well sized cell culture inserts. The isokinetic sampling system enables a uniform delivery of the test substance to the cells. The deposition efficiency can be increased by high voltage charging.
After exposure the cells are further processed to measure a wide range of endpoints, e. g. cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, proliferation, cellular and oxidative stress as well as inflammation. See also VITROCELL® assay guide.
The system is used and further developed under the NanoMILE project.
For more information, see the Vitrocell 11 page brochure.
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2014, 2015, 2016 Annual progress summaries.
MNM selection, acquisition, engineering, characterisation (WP2)
Jul. 2017 - The effect of zirconium doping of cerium dioxide nanoparticles on pulmonary and cardiovascular toxicity and biodistribution in mice after inhalation. Susan Dekkers, Mark R. Miller, Roel P.F. Schins, Isabella Römer, Mike Russ, Rob J. Vandebriel, Iseult Lynch, Marie-France Belinga-Desaunay, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, Shea P. Connell, Ian P. Smith, Rodger Duffin, John A.F. Boere, Harm J. Heusinkveld, Catrin Albrecht, Wim H. de Jong & Flemming R. Cassee. Nanotoxicology Vol. 0 , Iss. 0,0.
Jan. 2017 - Development of scalable and versatile nanomaterial libraries for nanosafety studies: polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) capped metal oxide nanoparticles. S. M. Briffa, I. Lynch (UoB, UK); V. Trouillet, M. Bruns (KIT, De); D. Hapiuk, J. Liu, R. E. Palmerc and E. Valsami-Jones (UoB, UK). RSC Adv., 2017,7, 3894-3906. 16.01.2017.OPEN ACCESS.
January 2016 - Highly Flexible Platform For Tuning Surface Properties Of Silica Nanoparticles And Monitoring Their Biological Interaction. Ojea-Jimenéz, Isaac; Gilliland, Douglas, JRC, et al. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (7), pp 4838–4850. OPEN ACCESS.
July 2015 - Progress towards the validation of modeled environmental concentrations of engineered nanomaterials by analytical measurements. Bernd Nowack and Denise M. Mitrano, EMPA, Switzerland, Jamie Lead (UoB), et al.
April 2015 - Metastability of the atomic structures of size-selected gold nanoparticles. D. M. Wells, R. E. Palmer, University of Birmingham (UK); G. Rossi, R. Ferrando, Università di Genova (It). Nanoscale. 2015 Apr 21;7(15):6498-503.
Life cycle evolution of MNMs (WP3)
January 2017 - The need for a life-cycle based aging paradigm for nanomaterials: importance of real-world test systems to identify realistic particle transformations. D. Mitrano and B. Nowack (EMPA), CH. Nanotechnology, Volume 28, Number 7.
April 2016 - Unraveling the Complexity in the Aging of Nanoenhanced Textiles: A Comprehensive Sequential Study on the Effects of Sunlight and Washing on Silver Nanoparticles. ES&T.D. Mitrano, B. Nowack (EMPA, CH) et al.
April 2016 - Stability of uncoated and fulvic acids coated manufactured CeO2 nanoparticles in various conditions: From ultrapure to natural Lake Geneva waters. Oriekhova, O., Stoll, University of Genova (CH). Science of Total Environment. 562:327-334.
March 2016 - Durability of nano-enhanced textiles through the life cycle: releases from landfilling after washing. D. Mitrano, B. Nowack (EMPA, CH) et al. Environ. Sci.: Nano.
August 2015 - Effect of Variations of Washing Solution Chemistry on Nanomaterial Physicochemical Changes in the Laundry Cycle. Denise M. Mitrano, Yadira Arroyo Rojas Dasilva, Bernd Nowack, EMPA, Switzerland. Environmental Science and Technology: Environ. Sci. Technol., 2015, 49 (16), pp 9665–9673.
January 2015 - Review of nanomaterial aging and transformations through the life cycle of nano-enhanced products. Denise M. Mitrano (EMPA, CH), Sylvie Motellier and Simon Clavaguera (CEA, Fr), Bernd Nowack (EMPA, CH). Environment International.
September 2014. Are Nanosized or dissolved metals more toxic? A meta-analysis. D. Notter, D. Mitrano, B. Nowack (EMPA). Environ Toxicol Chem. Volume 33, Issue 12 Pages 2733–2739.
June 2014 - Presence of Nanoparticles in Wash Water From Conventional Silver and Nano-Silver Textiles. Denise M. Mitrano, Elisa Rimmele, Adrian Wichser, Rolf Erni, Murray Height, Bernd Nowack, EMPA & HeiQ Materials AG. ACS Nano, 2014, 8 (7), pp 7208–7219. [Work started prior to NanoMILE and continued under NanoMILE].
January 2014 - Cellular self-organization on micro-structured surfaces. Peter J. F. Rottgermann, Alicia Piera Alberola and Joachim O. Radler, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich). Soft Matter .
Development of a screeening platform for MNMs (WP4)
Feb. 2017 - Imaging In focus: Reflected light imaging: Techniques and applications. E. J. Guggenheim, I. Lynch (UoB, UK); J. Z. Rappoport (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA). The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. Volume 83, February 2017, Pages 65–70.
Nov. 2016 -The Intracellular Destiny of the Protein Corona: A Study on its Cellular Internalization and Evolution. Bertoli F1, Garry D1, Monopoli MP1,2, Salvati A1,3, Dawson KA1. 1 UCD (Ir), 2 Royal College of Surgeons (Ir), 3Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (NL). ACS Nano. 2016 Nov 22;10(11):10471-10479.
Oct. 2016 - Comparison of Confocal and Super-Resolution Reflectance Imaging of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles. Emily J. Guggenheim, A. Khan, J. Pike, L. Chang, I. Lynch (UoB, UK); J. Z. Rappoport (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA). PLOS. October 3, 2016.
April 2016 - Time-Resolved Study of Nanoparticle Induced Apoptosis Using Microfabricated Single Cell Arrays. Peter J.F. Röttgermann, Kenneth A. Dawson, Joachim O.Rädler, UCD (Ir) and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (De). Microarrays MDPI 2016, 5(2). OPEN ACCESS
March 2016 - Versatile method to generate multiple types of micropatterns. Segerer,F.J., Röttgermann,P.J., Schuster,S., Piera,A.A., Zahler,S., and Rädler,J.O. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (De). Biointerphases. 11, 011005.
September 2014 - Cell Motility on Polyethylene Glycol Block Copolymers Correlates to Fibronectin Surface Adsorption. Röttgermann PJ, Hertrich S, Berts I, Albert M, Segerer FJ, Moulin JF, Nickel B, Rädler JO., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich) & Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthach.
MNM interactions with biomolecules and environmental factors (WP5)
May 2016 - Polypeptide-Nanoparticle Interactions and Corona Formation Investigated by Monte Carlo Simulations. Fabrice Carnal, Arnaud Clavier, Serge Stoll (Uni. of Genova, CH). Polymers, Vol. 8, No. 6, 2016 p 203. OPEN ACCESS.
August 2015 - Modelling the interaction processes between nanoparticles and biomacromolecules of variable hydrophobicity: Monte Carlo simulations. Fabrice Carnal, Arnaud Clavier and Serge Stoll, University of Geneva. Environmental Science Nano, Volume 2 Number 4 August 2015, pp327-339 & Cover page. OPEN ACCESS
August 2015 - Isothermal titration calorimetry as a powerful tool to quantify and better understand agglomeration mechanisms during interaction processes between TiO2 nanoparticles and humic acids. Loosli F, Vitorazi L, Berret J-F, Stoll S., University of Genova (CH). Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2015, 2:541-550.
August 2015 - Effects of pH and fulvic acids concentration on the stability of fulvic acids – cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticle complexes. Olena Oriekhova, Serge Stoll, University of Geneva. Chemosphere 144 (2016) 131-137.
December 2014 - Surface charging behavior of nanoparticles by considering site distribution and density, dielectric constant and pH changes - a Monte Carlo approach. Arnaud Clavier, Marianne Seijo, Fabrice Carnal and Serge Stoll, University of Geneva (CH). Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015,17, 4346-4353.
November 2014 - Investigation of FeCl3 induced coagulation processes using electrophoretic measurement, nanoparticle tracking analysis and dynamic light scattering: Importance of pH and colloid surface charge. Oriekhova O, Stoll S., University of Genova (CH). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 461:212-219.
November 2014 - Manufactured Nanoparticle Behavior and Transformations in Aquatic Systems. Importance of Natural Organic Matter. Loosli F, Omar FM, Carnal F, Oriekhova O, Clavier A, Chai Z, Stoll S, University of Genova (CH). Chimia. 2014, 68: 783-787.
October 2014 - Surfactant Titration of Nanoparticle−Protein Corona. Daniele Maiolo, Paolo Bergese, Eugene Mahon, Kenneth A. Dawson, and Marco P. Monopoli, University College Dublin, University of Brescia. Analytical Chemistry, 28/10/2014. [Work started prior to NanoMILE and continued under NanoMILE]
January 2014 - Effect of natural organic matter on the disagglomeration of manufactured TiO2 nanoparticles. Loosli F, Le Coustumer P, Stoll S., University of Genova (CH). Environ. Sci.: Nano, 2014, 1:154-160. OPEN ACCESS.
MNM interactions, bioavailability & biological effects in vitro/in vivo (ecotoxicology) (WP6)
Nov. 2016 - Sensory systems and ionocytes are targets for silver nanoparticle effects in fish. O.J. Osborne, T. Kudoh, Charles C.R. Tyler (U. of Exeter, UK); I. Romer, U. Phillips, I. Lynch (UoB, UK); et al. Nanotoxicology. 2016 Nov;10(9):1276-86.
November 2015 - In vivo toxicity and gill histological damage of copper nanoparticles in rainbow trout, fathead minnow and zebrafish. Lan Song, Martina G. Vijver, Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Tamara S. Galloway, University of Leiden (NL, with FP7 project QualityNano); Charles R. Tyler, University of Exeter (UK). Chemosphere. 139:181-9.
May 2015 - Tracing Engineered Nanomaterials in Biological Tissues using Coherent Anti-strokes Raman Scattering- A Critical Review. Goodhead R.M., Moger, J., Galloway, T.S., Tyler C.R, University of Exeter (UK). Nanotoxicology 9(7):928-39.
2015 - Ecotoxicology of Nanomaterials in Aquatic Systems. Jennings, V., Goodhead, R.M., Tyler CR, University of Exeter (UK). Chapter 1 (pp 3-45) of the book “Characterization of Nanomaterials in Complex Environmental and Biological Media”. Frontiers of Nanoscience, Elsevier.
February 2014 - Linking toxicity and adaptive responses across the transcriptome, proteome, and phenotype of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exposed to silver, S Pillai, K. Schirmer et al., EAWAG (CH), PNAS 111 (9), 3490-3495.
August 2013 - Effect of Ingested Tungsten Oxide (WOx) Nanofibers on Digestive Gland Tissue of Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea): Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Imaging. Novak S, Drobne D, Vaccari L, Kiskinova M, Ferraris P, Birarda G, Remskar M, Hocevar, M. University of Lubjana (Sl). Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47:11284–11292.
MNM biokinetics and toxicity testing in vitro/in vivo (human toxicology) (WP7)
July 2017 - Crystallinity depends on choice of iron salt precursor in the continuous hydrothermal synthesis of Fe–Co oxide nanoparticles. Jan Liu, Isabella Römer, Selina Vi Yu Tang, Eugenia Valsami-Jones and Richard E. Palmer. Royal Society of Chemistry. Volume 7, 37436 - 37440. OPEN ACCESS
Nov. 2016 - Comparison of the DNA damage response in BEAS-2B and A549 cells exposed to titanium dioxide nanoparticles. M. Biola, D. Beal, S. Caillat, S. Libert, L. Armand, N. Herlin-Boime, S. Sauvaigo, T. Douki, M. Carriere (CEA). Mutagenesis (2017) 32 (1): 161-172. 01.11.2016.
Oct. 2016 - Impact of nanoparticles on DNA repair processes: current knowledge and working hypotheses. M. Carriere, S. Sauvaigo, T. Douki, J.-L. Ravanat (CEA). Mutagenesis (2017) 32 (1): 203-213. 28.10.2016.
April 2016 – An update on NLRP3 inflammasome activation by engineered nanomaterials. R.J. Vandebriel, S. Dekkers, W.H de Jong, F.R. Cassee, RIVM. Current Bionanotechnology, Vol 2 issue 1 (2016), pp 40-46. OPEN ACCESS.
February 2016 - Long-term exposure of A549 cells to titanium dioxide nanoparticles induces DNA damage and sensitizes cells towards genotoxic agents. Lucie Armand, Adeline Tarantini, David Beal, Mathilde Biola-Clier, Laure Bobyk (Univ. Grenoble - CEA, Fr); Sephanie Sorieul (Univ. Bordeaux); Karin Pernet-Gallay (Univ. Grenoble - INSERM); Caroline Marie-Desvergne (Univ. grenoble - CEA, Fr), Iseult Lynch (UoB, UK), Nathalie Herlin-Boime (CEA - CNRS, Fr); Marie Carriere (Univ. Grenoble - CEA, Fr). Nanotoxicology.
August 2015 - Molecular responses of alveolar epithelial A549 cells to chronic exposure to titanium dioxide nanoparticles: A proteomic view. Lucie Armand, Mathilde Biola-Clier, Laure Bobyk (Univ. Grenoble - CEA, Fr); Véronique Collin-Faure (CEA, Fr); Hélène Diemer, Jean-Marc Strub, Sarah Cianferani, Alain Van Dorsselaer (UNi. Strasbourg - CNRS, Fr); Nathalie Herlin-Boime (CEA-CNRS, Fr); Thierry Rabilloud (CNRS, Fr), Marie Carriere (Univ. Grenoble - CEA, Fr). Journal of Proteomics, Volume 134, 16 February 2016, Pages 163–173.
October 2014 - Time course of lung retention and toxicity of inhaled particles: short‑term exposure to nano‑Ceria. Jana Keller, Wendel Wohlleben, Lan Ma‑Hock, Volker Strauss, Sibylle Gröters, Karin Küttler, Karin Wiench, Christiane Herden, Günter Oberdörster, Bennard van Ravenzwaay, Robert Landsiedel, BASF, Justus-Liebig-University (Giessen) & University of Rochester. Arch. of Toxicol.
September 2014 - High Content Analysis Provides Mechanistic Insights on the Pathways of Toxicity Induced by Amine-Modified Polystyrene Nanoparticles. Sergio Anguissola, David Garry, Anna Salvati, Peter J. O'Brien, Kenneth A. Dawson, University College Dublin (Ir). Plos one, Volume 9, Issue 9, e108025.
May 2014 - Carbon Nanotube Translocation to Distant Organs after Pulmonary Exposure: Insights from in Situ 14C‑Radiolabeling and Tissue Radioimaging. Bertrand Czarny, Dominique Georgin, Fannely Berthon, Gael Plastow, Mathieu Pinault, Gilles Patriarche, Aurélie Thuleau, Martine Mayne L’Hermite, Frédéric Taran, and Vincent Dive, CEA - CNRS. ACS Nano.
June 2013 - In vivo nanotoxicity testing using the zebrafish embryo assay. Hennink WE, Storm G, Lammers T., U. of Utrecht (NL), et al. J Mater Chem B Mater Biol Med, 2013, 1: 3918-3925. OPEN ACCESS
Data integration, QPARs, risk assessment, safe MNM designs (WP9)
October 2015 - How safe are nanomaterials? Eugenia Valsami-Jones and Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham (UK). Science. Vol 350 issue 6259. OPEN ACCESS Version.
April 2015 - Risk Assessment Tool for the Virtual Screening of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles through Enalos InSilicoNano Platform. Georgia Melagraki and Antreas Afantitis, Novamechanics Ltd (Cyprus). Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 15, 1827-1836.
March 2015 - Nanomaterial categorization for assessing risk potential to facilitate regulatory decision-making. Godwin H; I. Lynch, University of Birmingham (UK); et al.ACS Nano. 2015, 9:3409-3017.
February 2015 - Quantitative Nanostructure-Activity Relationship models for the Risk Assessment of NanoMaterials. Chapter in the book "Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment". Ed. IGI Global. Eleni Vrontaki (NovaMechanics Ltd., Cyprus & University of Athens, Greece), Thomas Mavromoustakos (University of Athens, Greece), Georgia Melagraki (NovaMechanics Ltd., Cyprus) and Antreas Afantitis (NovaMechanics Ltd., Cyprus).
September 2014 - Enalos InSilicoNano platform: an online decision support tool for the design and virtual screening of nanoparticles. Georgia Melagraki and Antreas Afantitis, Novamechanics Ltd (Cyprus).
July 2014 - A strategy for grouping of nanomaterials based on key physico-chemical descriptors as a basis for safer-by-design NMs. Iseult Lynch, Carsten Weiss, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, University of Birmingham & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. nanotoday. Online since 5 July 2014.
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Life cycle evolution of MNMs (WP3)
August 2014 - Transformations of silver nanoparticles relevant to product use. Denise M. Mitrano, Elisa Rimmele, Adrian Wicher, Rolf Erni, Murray Height, Bernd Nowack, EMPA, Bluesign & HeiQ AG Fabrics. ACS Nano 2014, San Francisco.
Dec. 2013 - Aging and Transformations of Nanoparticles Relevant to Product Use. Dr. Denise M. Mitrano, EMPA (CH). 3rd U.S.-EU Bridging NanoEHS Research Efforts workshop. Arlington, VA, USA. 2-3/12/201. ppt (17Mo); Extended pdf (13,6 Mo); Smaller pdf (2,3 Mo)
Development of a screening platform for MNMs (WP4)
March 2015 - High throughput screening in nanotoxicology. Kirsten Gerloff (JRC). 1st BfR-Academy Training School on Nanotechnologies for Risk Assessors. Berlin, 3–4 March 2015.
Oct. 2014 - The Adverse Outcome Pathway Approach in Nanotoxicology. Kirsten Gerloff (JRC). Nanosafety Forum for Young Scientists. 09.10.2014, Syracuse.
MNM interactions with biomolecules and environmental factors (WP5)
August 2015 - Understanding the impact of glycosylation at the bionano interface (abstract). Marco Monopoli1, Sha Wan1, Phil Kelly1, yan yan2, Kenneth Dawson1. 1 CBNI, UCD, Dublin, Ireland. 2. University of Melbourne, Australia. ACS National meeting, August 2015, Boston (USA)
Systems biology approaches to reveal mechanisms of MNM activity (WP8)
Dec. 2013 - Systems Biology approaches for studying toxicity. Francesco Falciani, University of Liverpool (UK). 3rd U.S.-EU Bridging NanoEHS Research Efforts workshop. Arlington, VA, USA. 2-3/12/2013
Data integration, QPARs, risk assessment, safe MNM designs (WP9)
Dec 2014 - Hazard mechanisms, biokinetics, and vulnerable populations. Eva valsami-Jones, University of Birmingham, UK. FP7 review meeting, 10-11/12/2014, Brussels.
Oct. 2014 - Safety assessment of nanomaterials. What about extrapolation between ENM? Read across and categorization. Wim de Jong (RIVM). ECHA' Topical Scientific Workshop on Nanomaterials. 24.10.2014, Helsinki.
Dissemination, exploitation, integration (WP10)
June 2016 - From nanosafety research to operational tools for the nanotechnology industry: the EU projects NanoMILE, NanoFASE, NanoReg2, NanoSolutions, Sun, CaLIBRAte. B. Hazebrouck, EU-VRi, Germany, et al. Industrial Technologies 2016 – Amsterdam – 22.06.2016.
June 2015 - Interest & impacts of NanoMILE for industry and service providers. B. Hazebrouck, EU-VRi, Germany, I. lynch , University of Birmingham, UK. EuroNanoForum 2015,10-12/06/2015, Riga.
Dec 2014 - Biological evaluation of nanomaterials - Paul Borm, Nano4Imaging, Germany. Informa's Biocompatibility Testing and Evaluations for Medical Devices, 2-3/12/2014, Berlin.
Dec 2014 - FP7-NanoSafety: Towards full integration of standardization in the projects. Benoît Hazebrouck, EU-VRi (Germany). FP7 review meeting, 10-11/12/2014, Brussels.
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March 2016 - Silver nanoparticles lost in the first wash. Interview of D. Mitrano (EMPA) by ChemistryWorld.
Nov. 2015 - Fate and hazard data from NanoFASE and NanoMILE to be integrated on the same knowledge platform. B. Hazebrouck (EU-VRi), I. Lynch (UoB). NanoSafety Cluster Newsletter, p8.
October 2015 - A Risk Assessment Tool for the Virtual Screening of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles through Enalos InSilicoNano Platform. Antreas Afantitis (NovaMechanics).
March 2015 - Suds turn silver nanoparticles in clothes into duds. D. Mitrano (EMPA), Beth Mole (Science News). Science news, Vol. 187, No. 8, April 18, 2015, p. 9.
Jan. 2015 - Europe takes the lead on nanotech safety. C. Sealy (HORIZON), with E. Valsami-Jones (University of Birmingham , UK).
Dec. 2014 - Using read-across and categories to improve safety of nanomaterials. Wim de Jong (RIVM). Issue 6 of ECHA's newsletter, pp 10-12.
Nov. 2014 - Highlights from NanoMILE’s recent publications: a progress update for the NanoSafety Cluster. Iseult Lynch (University of Birmingham). 4th NanoSafety Cluster Newsletter, pp 15-16.
June 2014 - NanoMILE’s spring at Antalya (NanoTox2014). Benoît Hazebrouck (EU-VRi), Iseult Lynch (University of Birmingham) with the NanoMILE consortium. 3rd NanoSafety Cluster Newsletter, pp 9-11.
Oct.-Nov. 2013 - NanoMILE consortium takes important decisions in month 6 meeting. Eva Valsami Jones, University of Birmingham. 1st NanoSafety Cluster Newsletter, p 4.
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MNM selection, acquisition, engineering, characterisation (WP2)
April 2014: Surface engineering of fluorescent silica nanoparticles for biolabelling applications. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Isaac Ojea-Jiménez, Matteo Pedroni, Dora Mehn, Sabrina Gioria, Douglas Gilliland, François Rossi, JRC - Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP), IT.
April 2014: High–Throughput–Screening-Fluorescence–Correlation–Spectroscopy for Protein Corona Binding Studies. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Tobias Preiß, Silvia Milani, Judith Mittag, Joachim Rädler. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich).
Development of a screening platform for MNMs (WP4)
April 2014: Developing in vitro and in vivo high throughput screening platforms for hazard prediction of manufactured nanomaterials. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Katrin Volkmann, Iris Hansjosten, Juliane Rapp, Iseult Lynch, Eugenia Valsami Jones, Silvia Diabaté, Carsten Weiss. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE; University of Birmingham, UK. MNM interactions with biomolecules and environmental factors (WP5)
April 2014: Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) for Time-resolved, reproducible Nanoparticle Characterisation under Environmentally Relevant Conditions. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Phil Vincent, Ian Wilson, Patrick Hole. NanoSight Ltd, UK.
April 2014: Development of Adverse Outcome Pathways as a tool for understanding and analysis of nanoparticle-induced liver toxicity. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Kirsten Gerloff, Taina Palosaari, Brigitte Landesmann, Maurice Whelan. Joint Research Centre, It.
April 2014: Kinetic Studies of Apoptosis on Single Cell Arrays in High-Througput. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. P. J. F. Röttgermann and J. O. Rädler. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich, De).
MNM interactions with biomolecules and environmental factors (WP5)
June 2016: Cell based biosensor approach to characterize interactions between nanoparticles and cell surface receptors. Attana (QCM) biosensor networking meeting, London. Diluka Peiris, Daniel Wallinder, Teodor Aastrup, Attana AB (Sw), David Garry, UCD (Ir).
MNM bioavailability and biological effects in vitro/in vivo (ecotoxicology) (WP6)
April 2014: Developing a Maternal Transfer Model for Nanomaterials in a Novel Fish System. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Rhys M. Goodhead, Victoria Jennings, Simone Tinguely, Charles R.Tyler. U. of EXETER, UK & University of Applied Sciences North-western Switzerland, CH.
April 2014: Nanoparticle-bio-interactions in the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: Silica nanoparticles induce premature aging phenotypes. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Annette Piechulek, Andrea Scharf and Anna von Mikecz. IUF - Leibniz Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, DE.
MNM biokinetics and toxicity testing in vitro/in vivo (human toxicology) (WP7)
Feb. 2017: The influence of redox activity of inhaled nano-sized cerium dioxide on respiratory, immune and cardiovascular effects in multiple mouse models. NMSA Malaga, Susan Dekkers1, Mark Miller2, Roel Schins3, Rob Vandebriel1, Isabella Römer4, Mike Russ5, Marie-France Belinga-Desaunay-Nault4, Shea Connell2, Ian Smith2, Paul Fokkens1, John Boere1, Daan Leseman1, Jolanda Vermeulen1, Eric Gremmer1, Liset de la Fonteyne1, Harm Heusinkveld1,3, Catrin Albrecht3, Tina Wahle3, Adriana Sofranko3, Christine Soputan6, Wim de Jong1, Flemming Cassee1,6,. RIVM, The Netherlands, 2 University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3 IUF, Germany, 4 University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 5 Promethean Particles Ltd, United Kingdom, 6 Institute for Translational Vaccinology (Intravacc), The Netherlands, 7 University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. RSC Environmental Science: Nano best poster Prize at the NMSA Malaga conference
Sept. 2015: Implications of redox activity of CeO2 nanoparticles for immunological responses in vitro. EUROTOX2015. Susan Dekkers1, Jolanda P. Vermeulen1, Geert van der Horst1, Rory Verhagen1, Isabella Römer2, Mike Russ3, Flemming R. Cassee1,4, Wim H. De Jong1, Rob J. Vandebriel1. 1 RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands; 2 University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom; 3 Promethean Particles Ltd, Nottingham, United Kingdom; 4 Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
May 2015 - A lab scale measurement technique for the air-liquid interface exposure of human lung cell cultures towards airborne nanoparticles. Mülhopt, S, Diabate, S, Schlager, C., Dilger, M., Weiss, C., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (De); Krebs, T., Vitrocell Systems GmbH (De). 20th International Congress on Aerosols in Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery (ISAM 2015), München - Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery, 28 (2015) No.3, A30.
April 2014: Inflammasome Activation by Nanomaterials. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Susan Dekkers, Elmer Harms, Jolanda P. Vermeulen, Flemming R. Cassee, Wim H. De Jong, Rob J. Vandebriel. RIVM, NL.
April 2014: Pulmonary effects and biokinetics of nanoparticles: Whole-body inhalation exposure to CeO2 in 5-day, 28-day and 90-day rat studies. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. J.Keller, K.Küttler, L. Ma-Hock, V. Strauss, S. Gröters, K. Wiench, B. van Ravenzwaay and R. Landsiedel. BASF, DE.
Data integration, QPARs, risk assessment, safe MNM designs (WP9)
Sept. 2014: Computer aided nanoparticles design through Enalos InSilicoNano Platform. OpenTox Euro 2014. Georgia Melagraki and Antreas Afantitis, Novamechanics (Cyprus).
April 2014: A strategy for grouping of nanomaterials based on key physico-chemical descriptors as a basis for safer-by-design NMs. NanoTox 2014, Antalya. Iseult Lynch, Carsten Weiss and Eugenia Valsami-Jones. University of Birmingham, UK; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE.
Dissemination, exploitation, integration (WP10)
June 2015: Interest & impacts of NanoMILE for industry and service providers. EuroNanoForum 2015. B. Hazebrouck, EU-VRi (Germany), I. lynch , University of Birmingham, UK.
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Section in progress (16.02.2017)
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Section in progress (16.02.2017)
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